1 00:00:02,140 --> 00:00:03,530 你被監視著 You are being watched. 2 00:00:04,580 --> 00:00:06,480 政府有一套秘密系統 The government has a secret system-- 3 00:00:06,890 --> 00:00:10,420 一臺每時每刻都在監控你的機器 a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 5 00:00:10,020 --> 00:00:10,180 {\pos(180,210)}聯系系統管理員 6 00:00:10,350 --> 00:00:10,520 {\pos(180,210)}聯系系統管理員 7 00:00:10,690 --> 00:00:10,850 {\pos(180,210)}聯系系統管理員 8 00:00:11,020 --> 00:00:11,270 {\pos(180,210)}聯系系統管理員 9 00:00:11,340 --> 00:00:13,660 我設計這臺機器是為了偵測恐怖行動 I designed the machine to detect acts of terror 10 00:00:13,520 --> 00:00:13,650 身份不明 11 00:00:13,650 --> 00:00:13,770 身份不明 12 00:00:13,770 --> 00:00:15,090 但它卻看到了一切 but it sees everything-- 13 00:00:13,940 --> 00:00:14,110 身份不明 14 00:00:14,270 --> 00:00:14,440 身份不明 15 00:00:14,610 --> 00:00:14,770 身份不明 16 00:00:15,500 --> 00:00:18,110 牽涉普通人的暴力罪行 violent crimes involving ordinary people. 17 00:00:18,950 --> 00:00:21,620 政府以為這些人無關緊要 The government considered these people irrelevant. 18 00:00:21,820 --> 00:00:22,700 關鍵執行人 19 00:00:21,940 --> 00:00:22,780 我們不 We don't. 20 00:00:22,070 --> 00:00:22,360 失蹤 21 00:00:22,530 --> 00:00:22,700 失蹤 22 00:00:22,700 --> 00:00:23,320 關鍵執行人 23 00:00:22,860 --> 00:00:23,030 失蹤 24 00:00:23,200 --> 00:00:23,360 失蹤 25 00:00:23,320 --> 00:00:23,660 關鍵執行人 26 00:00:24,070 --> 00:00:27,910 受當局追捕 我們只能秘密活動 Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. 27 00:00:24,620 --> 00:00:24,910 狀態:紐約警局任職 28 00:00:25,070 --> 00:00:25,580 狀態:紐約警局任職 29 00:00:25,580 --> 00:00:25,990 狀態:紐約警局任職 30 00:00:25,990 --> 00:00:26,160 狀態:紐約警局任職 31 00:00:26,990 --> 00:00:27,290 狀態:紐約警局任職 32 00:00:27,450 --> 00:00:28,540 狀態:紐約警局任職 33 00:00:28,600 --> 00:00:29,930 你永遠找不到我們 You'll never find us. 34 00:00:30,320 --> 00:00:32,400 但無論是受害人還是行兇者 But victim or perpetrator, 35 00:00:32,580 --> 00:00:35,460 只要你的號碼被列出來 我們就會找到你 if your number's up, we'll find you. 36 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:38,420 {\pos(195,180)}疑犯追蹤 37 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:38,420 {\pos(190,196)}第二季 第十一集 39 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:14,000 {\pos(190,292)}本字幕由YYeTs人人影視 原創翻譯制作 僅供學習 禁止用于任何商業盈利行為 更多影視更新 請登陸 www.YYeTs.com 40 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:18,000 {\pos(190,268)}翻譯:Nonopig 阿好 沙沙A 紫玉 天朝直屬 42 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:22,000 {\pos(190,268)}時間軸:煙幕遲遲 擦擦 44 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:26,000 {\pos(190,268)}特效&后期:灰灰是菇涼 校對&總監:阿好 46 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:39,880 {\an6}獲取檔案 2010年7月 獲取關聯文件 紐約警局 47 00:00:39,880 --> 00:00:50,310 {\an7}紐約警局檔案 2010年7月 會話分析 語言識別 48 00:00:39,880 --> 00:00:41,660 911 有什么緊急狀況 911. What is your emergency? 49 00:00:41,660 --> 00:00:44,470 我是地鐵操作員4827號 This is subway train operator 4827. 50 00:00:44,650 --> 00:00:50,310 {\an4}獲取檔案 2010年7月 大西洋大道站 51 00:00:44,470 --> 00:00:45,710 發生了一起事故 There's been an accident. 52 00:00:45,730 --> 00:00:47,180 我沒能及時叫停列車 I couldn't stop the train in time, 53 00:00:47,180 --> 00:00:48,540 撞到了一個孩子 and I hit a kid. 54 00:00:48,540 --> 00:00:50,310 他可能是被人推的 I think he might have been pushed. 55 00:00:56,460 --> 00:00:57,490 張嘴 Open. 56 00:01:17,790 --> 00:01:18,920 把他們隔離起來 I want 'em held in isolation. 57 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:21,070 不得聯系外界 不得接觸律師 No contact: not with their lawyers, 58 00:01:21,070 --> 00:01:22,140 不得接觸彼此 not with each other, 59 00:01:22,140 --> 00:01:23,170 不得接觸任何人 not with anybody. 60 00:01:23,170 --> 00:01:25,260 此事關國家安全 This is a matter of national security. 61 00:01:25,690 --> 00:01:27,220 他們是恐怖分子 They're terrorists? 62 00:01:27,560 --> 00:01:30,020 我看他們更像投行家 They look more like investment bankers to me. 63 00:01:30,020 --> 00:01:32,940 典獄長 其中三人可能是 Well, warden, three of them may be. 64 00:01:33,270 --> 00:01:35,020 但其中有一個是我追捕的人中 But one of them is the most dangerous criminal 65 00:01:35,020 --> 00:01:36,430 最最危險的罪犯 I've ever pursued. 66 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:38,590 我有權不起訴就將他們拘留72小時 I can hold them for 72 hours without charging them, 67 00:01:38,590 --> 00:01:40,200 而我也正意如此 and I fully intend to. 68 00:01:40,750 --> 00:01:43,040 那就給你72小時 Then you have 72 hours. 69 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:45,550 這里是紐約里克島 不是關塔那摩 This is Rikers, not Guantanamo. 70 00:01:48,470 --> 00:01:51,480 你不打算問他們問題嗎 You don't plan on asking them any questions? 71 00:01:51,480 --> 00:01:52,590 別擔心 卡特 Don't worry, Carter. 72 00:01:52,590 --> 00:01:54,440 我們有新羅歇爾拿到的DNA證據 We've got the DNA evidence from New Rochelle, 73 00:01:54,440 --> 00:01:56,160 有燒毀的車中拿到的血液 we got the blood from the burned car, 74 00:01:56,410 --> 00:01:58,800 多虧了你 拿到了指紋 and, thanks to you, fingerprints. 75 00:01:59,550 --> 00:02:00,970 他跑不掉了 He's ours. 76 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:39,260 我怎么知道聯邦政府比不上你 How did I know the federal government would be no match for you? 77 00:02:39,260 --> 00:02:40,970 如果你被發現還帶著手機 As I suspect it might be compromising for you 78 00:02:40,980 --> 00:02:42,700 恐怕要罪加一等了 所以我簡言吧 to be found with a phone, I'll be brief. 79 00:02:42,700 --> 00:02:44,040 情況在控制中 約翰 The matter is in hand, John. 80 00:02:44,040 --> 00:02:45,200 我們會救你出來 We'll get you out of there. 81 00:02:45,200 --> 00:02:46,540 是我太冒險了 I took too many risks. 82 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:48,560 是我的錯 我來處理 It's my fault. I'll handle it. 83 00:02:48,560 --> 00:02:49,200 聽我說 Listen to me. 84 00:02:49,200 --> 00:02:51,250 我為現下的情形做過預案了 I made preparations for a scenario like this. 85 00:02:51,250 --> 00:02:53,470 72小時后 你就自由了 In 72 hours, you will walk free. 86 00:02:53,640 --> 00:02:55,320 如果又出現號碼呢 What if another number comes up? 87 00:02:55,320 --> 00:02:57,310 遺憾的是 正如我所說 Unfortunately, as I told you, 88 00:02:57,370 --> 00:02:58,590 號碼從不停止 they never stop coming. 89 00:02:58,590 --> 00:03:00,670 我會盡力解決 I'll have to manage as best I can. 90 00:03:01,500 --> 00:03:03,330 我誠摯地希望我們下次對話時 I sincerely hope our next conversation is 91 00:03:03,330 --> 00:03:05,070 環境會好點兒 under better circumstances. 92 00:03:08,070 --> 00:03:09,350 保持聯系 I'll be in touch. 93 00:03:12,730 --> 00:03:14,840 我是斯威夫特先生 My name is Mr. Swift. 94 00:03:17,110 --> 00:03:19,260 你們的代課老師 I'm your substitute teacher. 95 00:03:19,870 --> 00:03:22,790 本瑟姆女士臨時得到機會 Ms. Benthem received a last-minute opportunity 96 00:03:22,790 --> 00:03:26,660 參加在毛伊島舉行的免費教學研討會 to attend an all-expenses-paid teaching seminar in Maui. 97 00:03:26,980 --> 00:03:29,060 我從本瑟姆女士的講義中看到 I see in Ms. Benthem's lesson plan 98 00:03:29,060 --> 00:03:30,510 今天我們要講的是 that today we're doing... 99 00:03:31,440 --> 00:03:32,820 加法 Addition. 100 00:03:32,820 --> 00:03:33,510 不會吧 That can't be right. 101 00:03:33,510 --> 00:03:35,010 這是外加作業 懲罰 It's busywork, punishment. 102 00:03:38,010 --> 00:03:39,900 數學可不是懲罰 Math is not punishment. 103 00:03:41,980 --> 00:03:43,810 十八世紀后期 You know, in the late 18th century, 104 00:03:43,810 --> 00:03:46,870 有位數學天才叫做卡爾·弗里德里克·高斯 there was a math prodigy named Carl Friedrich Gauss 105 00:03:46,870 --> 00:03:50,960 他當時與你們一樣 遇到這一復雜的問題 who was faced with the same tedious problem that you are. 106 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:53,100 他就此想出了一個辦法 He figured a way around it. 107 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:55,750 從一加到一百 One to a hundred. 108 00:03:56,110 --> 00:03:59,460 有人想來試一下高斯的解法嗎 Who'd like to take a crack at working out Gauss' equation? 109 00:03:59,460 --> 00:04:00,480 有人嗎 Anybody? 110 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:03,040 菲普斯先生 Mr. Phipps? 111 00:04:07,180 --> 00:04:08,600 說實話 斯威夫特先生 I got to be honest, "Mr. Swifty," 112 00:04:08,600 --> 00:04:10,730 "弗里德里克"之后我啥也沒聽見 you lost me at "Friedrich." 113 00:04:11,930 --> 00:04:13,110 給你個提示 I'll give you a hint. 114 00:04:38,940 --> 00:04:40,950 -弗斯克 -早上好 警探 - Fusco. - Good morning, Detective. 115 00:04:40,950 --> 00:04:42,710 我相信你已經收到我的郵件了 I trust that you received my email? 116 00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:45,310 還有布魯克林科學學校的整個花名冊 And the entire roll call for Brooklyn Science. 117 00:04:45,310 --> 00:04:48,580 你要盡可能告訴我關于迦勒·菲普斯的一切 I need you to tell me everything you can about Caleb Phipps. 118 00:04:49,970 --> 00:04:51,890 跟紐約警局有過幾次小口角 Couple run-ins with the NYPD. 119 00:04:51,890 --> 00:04:53,390 典型的小屁孩 Typical kid stuff. 120 00:04:53,650 --> 00:04:55,470 -很普通 -當然 - Nothing exceptional. - I'll say. 121 00:04:55,470 --> 00:04:56,780 績點2.6 2.6 GPA 122 00:04:56,780 --> 00:05:00,420 測試成績正好處于中間 and test scores that sit squarely in the mid-range. 123 00:05:02,110 --> 00:05:05,120 整節課都在筆記本上胡寫亂畫 He spent my whole class doodling in his notebook. 124 00:05:09,470 --> 00:05:11,080 還在嗎 Hey, you still there? 125 00:05:11,080 --> 00:05:12,150 請繼續說 Please continue. 126 00:05:12,150 --> 00:05:13,430 有件不同尋常的事情 One thing did come up. 127 00:05:13,430 --> 00:05:15,080 迦勒有個哥哥瑞安 Caleb had an older brother Ryan, 128 00:05:15,450 --> 00:05:17,310 兩年前死于一起地鐵事故 killed two years ago in a subway accident. 129 00:05:17,310 --> 00:05:18,320 那孩子當時喝醉了 Kid was drunk. 130 00:05:18,320 --> 00:05:20,120 滑下軌道 被撞了 Slipped on the tracks and got clipped. 131 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:21,390 太可怕了 Sounds awful. 132 00:05:21,760 --> 00:05:22,940 其他細節呢 Any further details? 133 00:05:22,940 --> 00:05:24,440 我去把事故報告調出來 I'll pull the incident report. 134 00:05:24,850 --> 00:05:26,720 迦勒現在跟他媽媽生活在一起 Now Caleb lives alone with his mom. 135 00:05:26,860 --> 00:05:29,230 她在肯辛通工作 做行政助理 She's an administrative assistant in Kensington. 136 00:05:29,290 --> 00:05:30,400 迦勒 Hey, Caleb. 137 00:05:31,530 --> 00:05:33,190 周六你去那個派對嗎 You going to that party Saturday? 138 00:05:33,900 --> 00:05:35,820 不 不是我的菜 No, that's not my kind of thing. 139 00:05:36,490 --> 00:05:38,120 再說了 我要出城 Besides, I'm heading out of town. 140 00:05:38,550 --> 00:05:39,790 出趟門 Taking a trip. 141 00:05:42,060 --> 00:05:43,860 {\an8}迦勒·菲普斯 強制配對失敗 142 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:52,400 {\an8}朱麗安 強制配對完成 143 00:05:54,760 --> 00:05:57,040 {\an8}你喜歡哪個 [興奮劑]安非他明還是[興奮劑]利他林 144 00:05:58,710 --> 00:06:00,450 {\an8}那女孩真是個圍脖控 145 00:06:00,450 --> 00:06:01,510 沒完沒了的短信 They never seem to stop texting. 146 00:06:01,510 --> 00:06:02,500 {\an8}特意為你照了這張照片 147 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:04,350 我像到了外星球 Beginning to feel like I'm on another planet. 148 00:06:04,350 --> 00:06:05,490 習慣吧 Get used to it. 149 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:07,650 十年后這些外星人就要占領地球了 Their planet's gonna be running ours in about ten years. 150 00:06:07,650 --> 00:06:09,420 現在的高中跟我們那會兒不一樣 High schools are different nowadays. 151 00:06:09,420 --> 00:06:11,350 幫派斗毆 毒品搜查 未婚先孕 Gang fights, drug searches, and pregnancies. 152 00:06:11,350 --> 00:06:12,950 這孩子啥都有可能涉及 This kid could be into anything. 153 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:20,050 毒品問題你確實沒夸張 You weren't exaggerating about the drug problem. 154 00:06:20,060 --> 00:06:21,340 現在的孩子都大不一樣了 Kids ain't what they used to be. 155 00:06:21,340 --> 00:06:22,770 在那邊小心 老兄 Be careful in there, pal. 156 00:06:30,250 --> 00:06:31,890 我都懶得問了 I-I won't even ask. 157 00:06:32,370 --> 00:06:33,720 最好不過了 Probably best. 158 00:06:34,640 --> 00:06:38,150 再說 我們還有更重要的事情要討論 Besides, we have more urgent matters to discuss. 159 00:06:38,660 --> 00:06:40,310 關在里克島的那位 Our friend in Rikers. 160 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:42,670 我已經在控制中 I have the situation in hand. 161 00:06:42,670 --> 00:06:45,580 我不想要你越界去 I don't want you crossing some kind of line to do-- 162 00:06:45,580 --> 00:06:46,800 這個 This? 163 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:49,770 已經把他們從網上刪除了 Already deleted them from the network too. 164 00:06:51,340 --> 00:06:53,020 你說的那個界 That line you're talking about, 165 00:06:53,020 --> 00:06:54,890 我很早就越過了 I crossed it a long time ago. 166 00:06:54,890 --> 00:06:56,810 現在我們得處理DNA樣本 Now we have to deal with the DNA sample. 167 00:06:56,810 --> 00:07:00,660 聯調局把它放在紐約一家安全實驗室里 FBI keeps it in a secure lab here in New York. 168 00:07:00,890 --> 00:07:02,130 我知道怎么做 I know what to do. 169 00:07:02,580 --> 00:07:04,620 但我需要你點東西 But I'm gonna need a couple things from you. 170 00:07:06,030 --> 00:07:07,110 我是勞頓校長 This is Principal Lawton, 171 00:07:07,110 --> 00:07:07,730 提醒大家 reminding you 172 00:07:07,730 --> 00:07:10,110 布魯克林科學與人文中學 that the Brooklyn School Of Science & Humanities 173 00:07:10,110 --> 00:07:11,930 在五點準時閉校 closes promptly at 5:00 p.m. 174 00:07:11,930 --> 00:07:13,120 謝謝 Thank you. 175 00:07:17,360 --> 00:07:19,350 斯威夫特先生 Mr. Swift. 176 00:07:20,410 --> 00:07:22,130 麻煩聊兩句 A word, please. 177 00:07:24,300 --> 00:07:25,700 我聽說 It has come to my attention 178 00:07:25,710 --> 00:07:27,740 你教本瑟姆女士班里的學生 that you tried to show Ms. Benthem's students 179 00:07:27,740 --> 00:07:30,090 如何規避她布置的作業 how to get around one of her assignments. 180 00:07:30,090 --> 00:07:32,140 那作業似乎沒什么意義 Well, the assignment seemed a bit remedial. 181 00:07:32,140 --> 00:07:35,260 -我希望能教 -教課是本瑟姆女士的工作 - I was hoping to teach-- - Teaching is Ms. Benthem's job. 182 00:07:35,270 --> 00:07:37,510 你的工作是監督她的學生 Your job is to ensure that her students 183 00:07:37,510 --> 00:07:39,620 完成她布置的作業 do the work that she prepared. 184 00:07:47,290 --> 00:07:48,760 甭理勞頓 Don't sweat Lawton. 185 00:07:49,280 --> 00:07:50,710 她認為要是能甩掉老師和學生 She thinks schools would run better 186 00:07:50,710 --> 00:07:52,940 學校會運轉得更好 if they just got rid of the students and teachers. 187 00:07:53,990 --> 00:07:56,250 克里斯·貝克納 計算機老師 Chris Beckner, computer science. 188 00:07:56,250 --> 00:07:57,530 哈羅德·斯威夫特 Harold Swift. 189 00:07:57,830 --> 00:08:00,160 -很高興認識理想主義者 -不不 我不是 - Nice to meet an idealist. - No, no, not me. 190 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:01,870 要我說把這些都扔網上去 Throw all this stuff online, I say. 191 00:08:01,870 --> 00:08:03,550 讓我穿著褲衩教課 Let me teach in my boxers. 192 00:08:04,910 --> 00:08:06,380 放開手腳吧 伙計 Run wild, man. 193 00:08:11,620 --> 00:08:12,990 我相信我會的 I believe I will. 194 00:08:12,920 --> 00:08:13,890 {\an8}校長辦公室 195 00:08:21,820 --> 00:08:23,370 是的 弗斯科警探 Yes, Detective Fusco? 196 00:08:23,370 --> 00:08:25,440 你有什么新消息嗎 Do you have some new information for me? 197 00:08:25,510 --> 00:08:26,830 沒錯 確實有 Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. 198 00:08:26,840 --> 00:08:29,110 我查看了他哥哥的死亡報告 I took a look at the report of his brother's death. 199 00:08:29,570 --> 00:08:32,460 -迦勒是唯一的目擊者 -他在現場 - Caleb was the only witness. - He was there? 200 00:08:32,600 --> 00:08:34,210 他哥哥就死在他面前 His brother died right in front of him? 201 00:08:34,210 --> 00:08:35,460 沒錯 但事有蹊蹺 Yeah, but something's not right. 202 00:08:35,460 --> 00:08:37,660 我查閱了當晚所有的事故報告 I looked at every incident report that night. 203 00:08:37,840 --> 00:08:41,270 站警向調度請求支援 The transit cop called for a backup, to dispatch, 204 00:08:41,270 --> 00:08:42,870 隨后又取消了申請 and then cancelled the request. 205 00:08:42,870 --> 00:08:45,300 為什么站警會取消支援申請呢 Why would a policeman rescind a request for backup? 206 00:08:45,300 --> 00:08:46,720 我也想知道 That's what I'm trying to figure out. 207 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:48,930 我正等著調度報告給我答案呢 I'm waiting on the transcripts to find out why. 208 00:08:48,930 --> 00:08:50,470 也許我該去見見迦勒的母親 Maybe it's time I go meet Caleb's mom 209 00:08:50,470 --> 00:08:52,120 看看他的家庭生活是怎樣的 and find out what his home life is like. 210 00:08:53,210 --> 00:08:54,600 有趣 Interesting. 211 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:56,760 迦勒最近一次全國學習能力測試 Caleb's latest National Aptitude Test score 212 00:08:56,760 --> 00:08:58,160 水平正好是50% is exactly 50%. 213 00:08:58,170 --> 00:09:00,720 從統計學上看幾乎不可能 A statistically improbable score. 214 00:09:01,840 --> 00:09:03,340 除非是故意的 Unless you try to get it. 215 00:09:04,130 --> 00:09:06,190 迦勒知道每道題的答案 You see, Caleb knew the answer to every question. 216 00:09:06,460 --> 00:09:08,750 但他每隔一題才作答 But he chose only to fill in every other one. 217 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:11,240 我不明白 他故意的嗎 I don't get it. He tanked on purpose? 218 00:09:11,240 --> 00:09:13,200 為什么要隱藏自己是天才的事實呢 Why would you want to hide the fact you're a genius? 219 00:09:13,820 --> 00:09:15,640 {\an8}浪費時間 waste of time 220 00:09:16,960 --> 00:09:18,440 確實 為什么呢 Why, indeed? 221 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:37,630 迦勒 聊兩句 Caleb, a word? 222 00:09:40,790 --> 00:09:43,050 我發現了這個 I couldn't help but notice this. 223 00:09:44,870 --> 00:09:46,090 無疑冒犯 斯威夫特先生 No offense, Mr. Swift, 224 00:09:46,090 --> 00:09:47,740 你還要翻垃圾嗎 but now you're going through the garbage? 225 00:10:10,950 --> 00:10:12,080 π Pi. 226 00:10:12,170 --> 00:10:14,550 有人知道它什么意思嗎 Can any of you tell me what it means? 227 00:10:17,880 --> 00:10:20,160 提出問題我也接受 I'll settle for an intelligent question here. 228 00:10:22,210 --> 00:10:24,100 我朋友有個問題 斯威夫特先生 My friend has a question, Mr. Swift. 229 00:10:24,300 --> 00:10:25,870 學這些有什么用 "What is any of this good for, 230 00:10:25,870 --> 00:10:28,560 我們什么時候會用到它 and when would we ever use it?" 231 00:10:32,400 --> 00:10:33,640 我來告訴你 Let me show you. 232 00:10:34,310 --> 00:10:35,500 π Pi. 233 00:10:35,920 --> 00:10:38,930 圓周長與其直徑之比 The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 234 00:10:38,930 --> 00:10:40,930 這是開始 And this is just the beginning. 235 00:10:40,930 --> 00:10:42,390 后面一直有 It keeps on going. 236 00:10:42,490 --> 00:10:43,650 無窮無盡 Forever. 237 00:10:44,250 --> 00:10:46,730 永不重復 Without ever repeating. 238 00:10:46,880 --> 00:10:50,900 就是說在這串數字中 Which means that contained within this string of decimals 239 00:10:51,270 --> 00:10:54,540 包含每種可能的組合 is every single other number. 240 00:10:54,540 --> 00:10:56,350 你的生日 Your birth date, 241 00:10:56,640 --> 00:10:58,580 儲物柜密碼 combination to your locker, 242 00:10:58,700 --> 00:11:00,930 社保號 your social security number. 243 00:11:01,110 --> 00:11:03,350 都在其中某處 It's all in there somewhere. 244 00:11:04,700 --> 00:11:08,190 如果把這些數字視成字母 And if you convert these decimals into letters, 245 00:11:08,190 --> 00:11:10,660 可以得到現有的及可能有的 you would have every word that ever existed 246 00:11:10,660 --> 00:11:13,570 每一個單詞 in every possible combination. 247 00:11:15,570 --> 00:11:18,490 你嬰兒時發出的第一個音節 The first syllable you spoke as a baby, 248 00:11:18,500 --> 00:11:20,810 你上一個戀人的名字 the name of your latest crush, 249 00:11:20,810 --> 00:11:23,200 你一生的故事 your entire life story from beginning to end. 250 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:25,830 我們做過或說過的每件事 Everything we ever say or do... 251 00:11:25,830 --> 00:11:28,440 宇宙中所有無限的可能 all of the world's infinite possibilities rest 252 00:11:28,440 --> 00:11:31,410 都在這個簡單的圓中 within this one simple circle. 253 00:11:31,770 --> 00:11:33,720 用這些信息做什么 Now what you do with that information... 254 00:11:35,380 --> 00:11:37,000 它能有什么用 What it's good for... 255 00:11:37,790 --> 00:11:39,380 這取決于你們 well, that would be up to you. 256 00:11:49,190 --> 00:11:50,850 紐約警察 女士 NYPD, ma'am. 257 00:11:50,850 --> 00:11:53,140 我們正在調查本地區發生的連環盜竊案 We're investigating a string of burglaries in the area. 258 00:11:53,140 --> 00:11:54,290 想向住戶了解下 Talking to residents about things 259 00:11:54,290 --> 00:11:55,750 有否看到或聽到什么 they might have seen or heard. 260 00:11:56,030 --> 00:11:58,160 我能否進去問您幾個問題 Mind if I come in and ask you a few questions? 261 00:12:01,800 --> 00:12:03,400 我已經遲到了 I'm running a little late. 262 00:12:05,870 --> 00:12:07,960 你自己住嗎 So you, uh, you live alone? 263 00:12:07,970 --> 00:12:09,650 還有我兒子迦勒 With my son Caleb. 264 00:12:09,650 --> 00:12:12,630 我們沒多余的房間 迦勒睡沙發 We don't have a lot of room, so Caleb takes the couch. 265 00:12:14,120 --> 00:12:16,440 工作電話 稍等一下 That's work. Just give me a sec. 266 00:12:25,580 --> 00:12:27,950 你和你兒子最近注意到什么可疑情況嗎 So you and your son see anything suspicious lately? 267 00:12:27,950 --> 00:12:30,010 有什么陌生人出現嗎 Any strange comings and goings? 268 00:12:30,020 --> 00:12:31,470 引人注意的那種 Anyone who stands out? 269 00:12:31,630 --> 00:12:33,090 我沒什么印象 Nothing I can think of. 270 00:12:33,090 --> 00:12:34,940 警察一年會來幾次 Cops come a few times a year. 271 00:12:34,940 --> 00:12:36,800 都是些家長里短 It's domestic stuff mostly. 272 00:12:37,340 --> 00:12:39,270 有些家庭總有些矛盾什么的 Some families have it rough, you know? 273 00:12:40,980 --> 00:12:43,680 是啊 我明白你的意思 Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. 274 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:45,810 謝謝 Thanks for your time. 275 00:12:51,020 --> 00:12:51,960 怎樣 警探 Yes, Detective? 276 00:12:51,960 --> 00:12:53,600 我替你裝好了攝像頭 I planted that webcam for you. 277 00:12:53,600 --> 00:12:54,950 見了迦勒的母親 Met Caleb's mom. 278 00:12:55,390 --> 00:12:57,470 上班遲到 開門時搖搖晃晃的 Late for work, rolling out the door with the shakes. 279 00:12:57,470 --> 00:12:58,890 估計她酗酒 My guess is she's hitting the bottle. 280 00:12:58,890 --> 00:13:01,360 難怪迦勒不在乎自己的成績 No wonder Caleb doesn't care about his grades. 281 00:13:01,360 --> 00:13:03,170 有那兩個毒販的新消息嗎 Anything new on our two dealers? 282 00:13:03,180 --> 00:13:05,600 迭戈斯·奎茲和羅尼·山姆斯 Diego Velasquez and Ronnie Samms. 283 00:13:05,600 --> 00:13:07,740 以前替一個叫洛倫佐的販貨 Used to deal for a guy by the name of Lorenzo. 284 00:13:08,590 --> 00:13:10,110 那種人你肯定不想惹 Type of guy you don't wanna cross. 285 00:13:10,110 --> 00:13:12,100 不過現在他們給一個新人賣命 But now they're working for some new up-and-comer 286 00:13:12,100 --> 00:13:14,280 緝毒部門還沒查出是誰 that narcotics hasn't been able to identify. 287 00:13:14,280 --> 00:13:16,160 我跟你說 那學校絕對是雷區啊 I tell you, that school's a real minefield. 288 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:17,190 好的 Okay. 289 00:13:21,510 --> 00:13:23,870 你不會說出去的對吧 頭 Gonna keep your mouth shut, right, chief? 290 00:13:26,420 --> 00:13:28,540 當然 Yeah, sure. 291 00:13:31,320 --> 00:13:32,550 就一點 Except to say this. 292 00:13:32,550 --> 00:13:34,210 下次你們再想賣搖頭丸 The next time you decide you want to deal E 293 00:13:34,210 --> 00:13:36,660 給一個明顯這輩子都不會買的孩子時 to a kid who's clearly never bought in his entire life, 294 00:13:36,780 --> 00:13:38,470 到樓下的儲藏室里賣去 do it in the locker room downstairs, 295 00:13:38,470 --> 00:13:40,380 因為這神經質的白癡 because this jumpy fool 296 00:13:40,380 --> 00:13:42,910 會四處叫嚷"毒品" is a neon sign shouting "Drugs ahoy"... 297 00:13:43,140 --> 00:13:44,320 頭 Chief. 298 00:13:48,810 --> 00:13:50,010 夠了 That's enough! 299 00:13:51,310 --> 00:13:53,660 難道你們想去校長辦公室解決嗎 Unless you want to settle this in the principal's office. 300 00:14:00,320 --> 00:14:00,880 你還好嗎 Are you okay? 301 00:14:00,880 --> 00:14:03,490 我不需要你來幫忙 行不 I don't need your help...okay? 302 00:14:23,410 --> 00:14:28,360 "黑客"曾指那些勤勞的編碼員 "Hacker" used to refer to industrious coders 303 00:14:28,360 --> 00:14:31,210 他們推動了現代計算科技的發展 who pushed the boundaries of modern computing. 304 00:14:31,210 --> 00:14:34,190 這名詞隨后變了味道 Then that word became misappropriated 305 00:14:34,190 --> 00:14:36,710 指那些行為過界違法犯紀 by those who pushed the boundaries so far 306 00:14:36,710 --> 00:14:38,620 最后要去坐牢的人了 that they ended up with jail time. 307 00:14:39,140 --> 00:14:42,150 例如八十年代的凱文·米特尼克 Like Kevin Mitnick, back in the 1980s. 308 00:14:42,150 --> 00:14:43,850 他只不過想看看系統如何運作 He was just trying to see how stuff worked. 309 00:14:43,850 --> 00:14:45,800 米特尼克當時是在尋找系統漏洞 Mitnick was looking for flaws in the system. 310 00:14:45,810 --> 00:14:47,670 他的手段犯了法 And he did so by breaking the law. 311 00:14:47,670 --> 00:14:50,090 但他證明了漏洞在人 而非編碼 But he proved people were the flaw, not the code. 312 00:14:50,090 --> 00:14:50,980 現在他們花大錢請他 Now they're paying him millions 313 00:14:50,980 --> 00:14:53,440 做那些當初害他蹲監獄的事 for the same thing that got him locked up in the first place. 314 00:14:56,480 --> 00:14:59,400 或許最為臭名昭著的黑客 Perhaps the most notorious hacker of them all 315 00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:00,760 是成功溜走的那個 was the one that got away. 316 00:15:00,760 --> 00:15:02,300 當美國政府正試圖 Back when Uncle Sam was trying 317 00:15:02,300 --> 00:15:05,120 用鐵柵欄框住剛剛萌芽的互聯網 to maintain its iron grip on the budding internet-- 318 00:15:05,120 --> 00:15:07,130 或阿帕網 當時是這么叫的 or Arpanet, as it was known then-- 319 00:15:07,130 --> 00:15:09,820 這位黑客 編碼員 侵入了系統 This hacker, this coder, hacked into the system 320 00:15:09,820 --> 00:15:11,520 使其曝光 and laid its secrets bare, 321 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:15,320 讓互聯網成為公共平臺 Ensuring that the internet would become an open forum. 322 00:15:15,320 --> 00:15:18,220 這名黑客厲害之處在于從未有人發現過他 Plus that hacker made his mark without ever getting busted. 323 00:15:19,370 --> 00:15:20,580 沒錯 True. 324 00:15:21,140 --> 00:15:24,300 無論是誰 此人仍隱匿于人群中 Whoever it was, that person's still out there. 325 00:15:30,190 --> 00:15:31,930 我來問問那天才男孩 Hey, I'm checking on the boy genius. 326 00:15:31,930 --> 00:15:33,550 不是說你 另外那個 Not you, the other one. 327 00:15:33,640 --> 00:15:36,440 看來他編碼頗有兩下子 Turns out he's quite the little coder. 328 00:15:36,630 --> 00:15:39,290 他正著手編寫一個碩大的程序 He's been coding a massive program. 329 00:15:39,290 --> 00:15:42,020 而且是手寫 因為他家里都沒電腦 In longhand, as he doesn't have a computer at home. 330 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:45,200 然后再寫進實驗室的電腦里 Then he writes it into a computer in the lab. 331 00:15:45,260 --> 00:15:47,450 如果我發現的這部分編碼 If the partial code I've discovered 332 00:15:48,080 --> 00:15:49,660 真的是他作品的一部分 is a snapshot of his work... 333 00:15:50,860 --> 00:15:52,840 那他正在發明的東西 What he's creating... 334 00:15:53,170 --> 00:15:55,030 會震驚世界 could be groundbreaking. 335 00:15:56,200 --> 00:15:58,770 弗斯科警探 能幫我個忙嗎 Detective Fusco, can you do something for me? 336 00:15:58,770 --> 00:16:00,300 我要你跟緊迭戈和羅尼 I need you to follow Diego and Ronnie. 337 00:16:00,300 --> 00:16:01,770 今天迦勒和他們吵了一架 Caleb had a run-in with them today 338 00:16:01,770 --> 00:16:03,090 可能會出麻煩 That might lead to trouble. 339 00:16:03,090 --> 00:16:05,310 -他們有什么淵源嗎 -難說 - Is there a history there? - Hard to tell. 340 00:16:05,310 --> 00:16:06,450 但迦勒看上去 But Caleb seemed 341 00:16:06,450 --> 00:16:08,840 對他們的毒品交易有很大興趣 to take an outsized interest in their drug dealing. 342 00:16:08,840 --> 00:16:10,270 如果有人暗中操控 If someone's pulling their strings, 343 00:16:10,270 --> 00:16:11,700 我想知道那個人是誰 I'd like to know who. 344 00:16:34,490 --> 00:16:36,940 芬奇 那毒販子很精明 Finch, whoever this drug dealer is, he's careful. 345 00:16:53,230 --> 00:16:56,050 警探 你計劃的第一步進行得如何 Detective, how goes phase one of your plan? 346 00:16:56,240 --> 00:16:57,800 我收到了你寄來的包裹 I got the package you sent over, 347 00:16:57,800 --> 00:16:59,530 但要我蹚這渾水 But if I'm gonna wade in this pool, 348 00:16:59,540 --> 00:17:01,050 我需要確切的信息 I need the right specs. 349 00:17:01,050 --> 00:17:02,220 好的 Yeah. 350 00:17:02,670 --> 00:17:04,120 正在發給你 Sending them to you now. 351 00:17:04,410 --> 00:17:06,690 關在里克島的那位就指望你了 Our friend in Rikers is counting on you. 352 00:17:08,550 --> 00:17:10,930 -好的 -搞定他們 警探 - Okay. - Knock 'em dead, Detective. 353 00:17:14,730 --> 00:17:16,740 他們根本不會知道自己怎么載的 They won't know what hit 'em. 354 00:17:25,520 --> 00:17:26,850 你好 我想要 Hi, I'd like to have-- 355 00:17:26,850 --> 00:17:28,260 第一杯我請 the first one, on me. 356 00:17:28,900 --> 00:17:30,120 你好嗎 How are you doing? 357 00:17:31,180 --> 00:17:35,870 謝了 不過 我想要的是 Thanks, but, I'm looking for something a little more... 358 00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:39,510 特定的類型 specific. 359 00:18:08,330 --> 00:18:10,630 弗斯科警探 那年輕人開始行動了 Detective Fusco, our young man is on the move. 360 00:18:20,870 --> 00:18:22,130 載你一程 Give you a ride home? 361 00:18:22,370 --> 00:18:23,430 我的車就停在那兒 Car is right down there. 362 00:18:23,430 --> 00:18:24,600 非常樂意 I'd like that. 363 00:18:24,980 --> 00:18:27,310 不得不承認 你剛開始嚇到我了 I have to admit, you kind of threw me at first. 364 00:18:27,390 --> 00:18:29,840 一直不停地問我的生活背景 Asking all those questions about my background, 365 00:18:29,880 --> 00:18:30,870 健康狀況 my health. 366 00:18:31,420 --> 00:18:33,370 我都弄不清是在調情呢 I couldn't tell whether we were flirtin' 367 00:18:33,370 --> 00:18:34,980 還是在查病歷 or fillin' out my medical history. 368 00:18:34,980 --> 00:18:36,020 我很實際 I'm a practical girl. 369 00:18:36,020 --> 00:18:37,840 喜歡先了解自己可以進展到哪一步 I like to know what I'm getting into. 370 00:18:51,760 --> 00:18:53,040 那我們 So are we... 371 00:18:53,460 --> 00:18:55,460 今晚有進展嗎 getting into anything tonight? 372 00:18:55,730 --> 00:18:56,840 我有 I am. 373 00:18:58,980 --> 00:19:01,170 我不知道怎么回事 但 I don't know what happened, but... 374 00:19:01,170 --> 00:19:03,830 我都沒喝很多酒 I didn't even have that much to drink. 375 00:19:09,370 --> 00:19:11,640 張大嘴 好家伙 Open wide, big fella. 376 00:19:13,180 --> 00:19:15,130 我一整晚都跟著這些毒資 I've been following this drug money all night. 377 00:19:15,560 --> 00:19:17,340 迭戈和羅尼拿了一袋子 Diego and Ronnie handed a bagful of it 378 00:19:17,340 --> 00:19:18,960 給一個流浪漢 我跟著他 to a homeless guy, who I followed 379 00:19:18,960 --> 00:19:21,180 錢被丟到一處轉帳的地方 till he dumped it off at a money transfer place. 380 00:19:21,180 --> 00:19:22,100 那兒的工作人員包了起來 The worker there wired it 381 00:19:22,100 --> 00:19:23,970 送到城另一頭的錢行 to another money hub across town, 382 00:19:24,220 --> 00:19:25,950 我趕到時剛巧看見 Where I hoofed it over there just in time 383 00:19:25,950 --> 00:19:27,670 另一個人來取現金 to see some other guy pick up the cash 384 00:19:27,670 --> 00:19:30,560 然后扔進了皇冠高地這兒的一個郵箱 and drop it in a PO box right here in Crown Heights. 385 00:19:30,570 --> 00:19:33,080 那位神秘的毒梟在洗錢 Our mysterious drug lord is laundering his money, 386 00:19:33,080 --> 00:19:34,740 讓它無源可溯 making it untraceable. 387 00:19:34,740 --> 00:19:36,020 倒也不是完全找不到源頭 Well, not untraceable enough. 388 00:19:36,020 --> 00:19:38,070 來取這筆錢的人 就是我們要找的 Whoever comes in for this cash is our guy. 389 00:19:39,490 --> 00:19:40,850 你在哪兒 Where are you anyway? 390 00:19:42,330 --> 00:19:43,900 我正看著你呢 I'm looking at you. 391 00:19:47,340 --> 00:19:48,900 你不是在跟著那孩子嗎 Thought you were following the kid. 392 00:19:50,140 --> 00:19:51,480 我是啊 I am. 393 00:19:55,600 --> 00:19:57,900 -給你 先生 -謝謝 - Here you go, sir. - Thanks. 394 00:20:06,490 --> 00:20:08,060 扯了大蛋了 Well, I'll be damned. 395 00:20:08,980 --> 00:20:11,230 那位神秘的毒梟就是迦勒 Our mystery drug lord is Caleb. 396 00:20:24,940 --> 00:20:26,330 卷子批完了 Graded your quizzes. 397 00:20:26,330 --> 00:20:28,410 有些同學挺認真的 Some of you have been paying attention. 398 00:20:28,430 --> 00:20:30,730 迦勒 要再進步 Caleb, I expected better. 399 00:20:50,350 --> 00:20:52,560 -那孩子又怎么了 -迦勒剛收到信息 - What did the kid do now? - Caleb just got a message. 400 00:20:52,560 --> 00:20:54,600 他要在兩點去見供貨人 He's supposed to meet his supplier at 2:00. 401 00:20:54,600 --> 00:20:55,470 我們得跟著他 We have to follow him. 402 00:20:55,470 --> 00:20:57,700 小鬼頭 保密工作到家啊 Tricky little bastard, keeping his identity a secret. 403 00:20:57,700 --> 00:20:59,910 年齡大他一倍的毒販都沒這么精明 He's better than most dealers twice his age. 404 00:20:59,300 --> 00:21:00,870 我一定向他轉告你對他 I'll be sure and tell him how impressed you are 405 00:21:00,870 --> 00:21:02,470 犯罪手段的欣賞 with his criminal aptitude. 406 00:21:20,890 --> 00:21:23,610 貝克曼剛剛侵入迦勒的賬號 警探 Beckman just broke into Caleb's account, Detective. 407 00:21:23,970 --> 00:21:28,110 他把一個名叫17-6-21的文件拷到了優盤上 He copying a file named 17-6-21 onto a thumb drive. 408 00:21:28,610 --> 00:21:30,080 無論迦勒做的是什么 Whatever Caleb's making... 409 00:21:31,010 --> 00:21:34,840 他老師對此的興趣 超出學術范圍了 his teacher's interest in it... is far from academic. 410 00:21:43,350 --> 00:21:44,490 菲普斯先生 Oh, Mr. Phipps! 411 00:21:45,940 --> 00:21:47,540 我正趕著出去呢 Look, I'm kind of on my way somewhere. 412 00:21:47,540 --> 00:21:49,120 我只是想把東西還給你 I just wanted to return something of yours. 413 00:21:49,120 --> 00:21:50,570 你昨天落下了 You dropped this yesterday. 414 00:21:51,050 --> 00:21:53,500 你別再翻垃圾桶了 斯威夫特先生 You really got to stop going through the trash, Mr. Swift. 415 00:21:54,370 --> 00:21:56,620 我以前也做過編程 You know, I used to do a little coding myself. 416 00:21:57,000 --> 00:21:58,620 你這段非常出色 That's an elegant string you have. 417 00:21:58,810 --> 00:22:00,690 但我覺得如果你想要用 But it occurs to me that if you want 418 00:22:00,690 --> 00:22:02,050 多線程編法 to implement multi-threading, 419 00:22:02,050 --> 00:22:03,750 用原子變量更好 you'd do better to use atomic variables. 420 00:22:05,750 --> 00:22:06,550 個人想法 Just a thought. 421 00:22:09,090 --> 00:22:10,680 等等 這樣就成功了 Wait, that-- that works. 422 00:22:10,680 --> 00:22:12,820 是的 所以我才如此建議 Yes, that's why I suggested it. 423 00:22:15,950 --> 00:22:17,060 謝謝 Thanks. 424 00:22:31,950 --> 00:22:34,510 希望你隨身帶了適用的武器 警探 I hope you have your service weapon with you, Detective. 425 00:22:34,730 --> 00:22:36,590 帶了 我還給你拿了臺機關槍呢 Yeah, I got you a machine gun too. 426 00:22:36,590 --> 00:22:39,000 真幽默 警探 別跟丟了他 Very funny, Detective. Let's try not to lose him. 427 00:22:44,840 --> 00:22:45,970 羅馬 Yo, Roman. 428 00:22:46,170 --> 00:22:47,240 在嗎 You here? 429 00:22:51,180 --> 00:22:52,370 天啊 Oh, jeez. 430 00:22:57,510 --> 00:22:59,290 你是為這而來的 是吧 That's what you came for, right? 431 00:23:00,730 --> 00:23:02,210 說說看 So tell me... 432 00:23:02,210 --> 00:23:05,200 你這么聰明的孩子為什么會蠢到 why would a kid like you do something so stupid 433 00:23:05,200 --> 00:23:08,110 敢到我地盤上的學校里交易 like dealing at a school in my neighborhood? 434 00:23:10,630 --> 00:23:13,680 那是洛倫佐 迭戈和羅尼以前的老大 That's Lorenzo, all right, Diego and Ronnie's old boss. 435 00:23:13,850 --> 00:23:14,980 有啥計劃 What's the plan? 436 00:23:17,800 --> 00:23:18,780 我靠 Crap. 437 00:23:19,240 --> 00:23:21,900 羅馬遭受這小意外之前 You know, before he had his little accident here... 438 00:23:23,160 --> 00:23:24,780 告訴我說你想 Roman was telling me how you're just trying 439 00:23:24,780 --> 00:23:26,690 弄筆錢 準備出遠門 to score some bank to take a big trip. 440 00:23:27,080 --> 00:23:27,970 真的嗎 That true? 441 00:23:28,670 --> 00:23:29,700 是的 Yeah. 442 00:23:29,870 --> 00:23:33,030 把賣給我客人的貨款一分不少地還給我 You pay back every dime you made selling to my customers, 443 00:23:33,030 --> 00:23:35,640 我就放你四腳俱全地出城 I'll let you leave town intact. 444 00:23:36,250 --> 00:23:39,260 就在這里 明晚八點 Be back here tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., 445 00:23:39,880 --> 00:23:41,290 否則我去找你算賬 or I'll come find you. 446 00:23:42,110 --> 00:23:46,060 你讓我一天內怎么弄到那么多現金 How do you expect me to score that kind of cash in a day? 447 00:23:51,100 --> 00:23:52,510 表緊張 Relax. 448 00:23:52,510 --> 00:23:55,030 好吧 我去 搶個銀行好了 All right, I'll... rob a bank or something. 449 00:23:56,490 --> 00:23:57,790 我欣賞你 I like you. 450 00:23:58,330 --> 00:23:59,550 夠屌 You got brass. 451 00:24:00,070 --> 00:24:01,920 但如果明晚你沒出現 But you don't show tomorrow night... 452 00:24:02,650 --> 00:24:04,760 打碎的就遠不止是你的腿了 Break a lot more than your legs. 453 00:24:27,230 --> 00:24:28,610 這孩子很堅強 Kid's got it tough. 454 00:24:29,420 --> 00:24:31,130 但跟毒販較勁兒 But picking a fight with a drug dealer? 455 00:24:31,690 --> 00:24:33,300 天才辦傻事啊 A dumb move for a genius. 456 00:24:34,800 --> 00:24:36,840 為什么一個前途無量的年輕人 Why would a young man with such potential 457 00:24:36,840 --> 00:24:39,720 甘為一點毒資孤注一擲呢 risk it all just to get some easy drug money? 458 00:24:39,730 --> 00:24:40,980 我認為問題不是錢 I don't think it's about the money. 459 00:24:42,080 --> 00:24:43,370 而是他的哥哥 I think it's about the brother. 460 00:24:46,230 --> 00:24:48,890 瑞安·菲普斯死亡那晚的調度報告 Dispatch transcripts from the night Ryan Phipps died. 461 00:24:48,890 --> 00:24:52,000 填報告的站警一開始申請支援 Now the transit cop who filed the report called for backup... 462 00:24:52,200 --> 00:24:53,470 因為迦勒最初報告說 Because Caleb initially reported 463 00:24:53,470 --> 00:24:55,840 有兩名年輕人在跟瑞安推擠 that two youths got into a shoving match with Ryan, 464 00:24:56,410 --> 00:24:57,930 把他推下的軌道 pushed him onto the tracks. 465 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:00,210 但是警察隨后取消了支援申請 But the officer cancelled the backup call 466 00:25:00,210 --> 00:25:02,170 換成了事故報告 and filed an accident report instead. 467 00:25:04,010 --> 00:25:05,660 為什么迦勒要改變說法呢 Why would Caleb change his story? 468 00:25:07,050 --> 00:25:08,600 也許他認識兇手 Maybe he knew the killers. 469 00:25:08,840 --> 00:25:11,230 也許他想要自己找他們復仇 Maybe he was thinking about taking care of them himself. 470 00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:14,260 迭戈和羅尼 Diego and Ronnie? 471 00:25:14,260 --> 00:25:16,130 他操縱那些二貨 He's manipulating those morons. 472 00:25:16,300 --> 00:25:17,820 讓他們為他運毒 Got 'em running drugs for him, 473 00:25:17,820 --> 00:25:19,060 還傻傻地被蒙在鼓里 and they don't even know it. 474 00:25:22,450 --> 00:25:24,550 貝克納在專心研究什么呢 What's Beckner so absorbed in? 475 00:25:26,900 --> 00:25:28,430 是迦勒的作品 That's Caleb's work. 476 00:25:31,010 --> 00:25:32,110 霍華德 我是克里斯 Howard, it's Chris. 477 00:25:32,110 --> 00:25:33,530 我們今晚見下面好嗎 Can you still meet up tonight? 478 00:25:33,710 --> 00:25:35,590 我肯定會對我的發現大吃一驚 I think you'll be impressed with what you see. 479 00:25:36,110 --> 00:25:37,510 太好了 那邊見 Great. I'll see you there. 480 00:25:39,370 --> 00:25:41,930 -計劃有變 警探 -我猜猜 - Change of plans, Detective. - Let me guess. 481 00:25:42,110 --> 00:25:44,870 你要我一個人盯著這小愛因斯坦一整晚 You need me to keep an eye on little Einstein, myself, tonight. 482 00:25:46,360 --> 00:25:47,530 隨時向我報告 Keep me posted. 483 00:25:54,270 --> 00:25:57,260 風投公司的合伙人先生 So, Mr. Venture Capital Firm Partner... 484 00:25:58,760 --> 00:26:00,450 初級合伙人 Junior partner. 485 00:26:00,630 --> 00:26:02,540 離豪華大辦公室還遠著呢 Long way from the corner office. 486 00:26:02,550 --> 00:26:04,800 還是得步步小心 Still have to watch my step. 487 00:26:04,810 --> 00:26:06,780 -謹慎選項目啊 -我明白 - Pick my projects carefully. - I get it. 488 00:26:07,510 --> 00:26:08,790 你要是看了這個 When you see this... 489 00:26:09,020 --> 00:26:11,330 好吧 那就讓看看吧 克里斯 Well, then, let's-- let's just see it, Chris, 490 00:26:11,330 --> 00:26:13,370 看完我就能回去見老婆孩子了 so I can get back to my wife and kids. 491 00:26:30,220 --> 00:26:31,460 這是什么鬼東西 What the hell was that? 492 00:26:31,640 --> 00:26:33,540 國會圖書館 The library of congress. 493 00:26:33,860 --> 00:26:35,200 什么 What? 494 00:26:35,790 --> 00:26:37,810 235兆兆的內容 235 terabytes on-- 495 00:26:37,810 --> 00:26:39,450 存在這一個優盤中 on one thumb drive? 496 00:26:40,170 --> 00:26:42,920 互聯網正受困于流媒體 The internet's choking on streaming video. 497 00:26:42,920 --> 00:26:44,540 需要新的壓縮算法 They're gonna need a new compression algorithm 498 00:26:44,540 --> 00:26:45,930 以保持增長 to continue growing. 499 00:26:46,810 --> 00:26:48,100 我成功了 And I've got it. 500 00:26:48,310 --> 00:26:50,630 我只需要一家像你們這樣的公司注資 All I need is an investment from a firm like yours 501 00:26:50,630 --> 00:26:52,160 幫我啟動 to help me get it off the ground. 502 00:26:52,540 --> 00:26:55,260 那個 是這樣的 克里斯 So...here's the thing, Chris. 503 00:26:56,290 --> 00:26:58,880 我還記得你大學的編程水平 I remember your code from back in college. 504 00:26:59,070 --> 00:27:01,310 你也就是中上水平 You were a medium talent at best. 505 00:27:01,470 --> 00:27:03,910 克里斯·貝克納不可能 There is no way that that Chris Beckner 506 00:27:03,910 --> 00:27:06,250 設計出如此非凡的東西 designed something this extraordinary. 507 00:27:06,680 --> 00:27:08,380 跟我們的老朋友不同 Unlike our old friends, 508 00:27:08,810 --> 00:27:10,170 大學并非我的巔峰 I didn't peak in college. 509 00:27:10,530 --> 00:27:12,640 這么說沒其他人知道這個項目 So no one else knows about this project? 510 00:27:13,160 --> 00:27:14,670 程序員 開發員 Programmers? Developers? 511 00:27:14,670 --> 00:27:15,830 或其他的糾紛 No other entanglements? 512 00:27:17,740 --> 00:27:19,170 我肯定 I can guarantee it. 513 00:27:20,980 --> 00:27:23,100 但愿如此吧 Well, let's hope so. 514 00:27:23,360 --> 00:27:26,500 因為我也不想有人攔住你拿到一張 Because I would hate for anyone to come between you 515 00:27:26,500 --> 00:27:30,810 我相信是天文數字的支票 and what I believe is going to be a very large check. 516 00:27:48,650 --> 00:27:50,810 終于找到了那位站警 墨菲 Finally tracked down that transit cop, murphy. 517 00:27:50,810 --> 00:27:53,080 就是那位迦勒的哥哥死時第一個到現場的 The one who was first on the scene when Caleb's brother died. 518 00:27:53,740 --> 00:27:55,050 已經給他留了信息 Left a message for him to come down 519 00:27:55,050 --> 00:27:56,340 他換崗后就來八局 to the Eighth after his shift. 520 00:27:56,890 --> 00:27:58,520 說到這個 那孩子呢 Speaking of which, where's the kid now? 521 00:27:58,680 --> 00:28:00,560 在到處籌錢 數目巨大 He's moving money around, large amounts. 522 00:28:00,560 --> 00:28:02,360 準備現金給洛倫佐 Getting the cash to pay off Lorenzo? 523 00:28:02,590 --> 00:28:04,360 不 他在設信托基金 No, he set up some kind of a trust, 524 00:28:04,360 --> 00:28:05,930 把所有的錢都存進去了 and he's pouring all his money into it. 525 00:28:06,080 --> 00:28:07,320 也許他在考慮出那趟 Maybe he's thinking about taking that trip 526 00:28:07,320 --> 00:28:08,340 他一直掛在嘴邊的遠門了 he's always talking about. 527 00:28:09,370 --> 00:28:11,610 {\an8}被復制的手機 克里斯·貝克納 發短信給迦勒·菲普斯 今晚八點學校見面好嗎 528 00:28:09,890 --> 00:28:11,700 貝克納剛給迦勒發了短信 Beckner just texted Caleb. 529 00:28:11,860 --> 00:28:13,620 他想晚上八點見面 He wants to meet at 8:00 tonight. 530 00:28:13,870 --> 00:28:15,830 那時他正好應該去見洛倫佐 The same time he's supposed to meet Lorenzo. 531 00:28:16,640 --> 00:28:17,890 就算用量子力學算 And quantum physics notwithstanding, 532 00:28:17,890 --> 00:28:19,620 他也沒法分身兩處 he can't be in two places at once. 533 00:28:20,000 --> 00:28:21,680 除非我說對了 這孩子另有計劃 Unless I'm right, and this kid's got a plan, 534 00:28:22,160 --> 00:28:23,900 沒時間應付兩面來敵 Time's running out on two fronts. 535 00:28:24,250 --> 00:28:26,060 對他來說走為上策 Maybe skipping town's the best thing for him. 536 00:28:26,060 --> 00:28:28,300 我們也正好可以專心救你家那位出去 Then we could focus some on getting your pal out of lockup. 537 00:28:28,300 --> 00:28:30,180 里瑟先生能照顧好自己 警探 Mr. Reese can take care of himself, Detective. 538 00:28:30,180 --> 00:28:32,420 現在 他有貴人相助 And right now, he's in very capable hands. 539 00:28:33,680 --> 00:28:34,620 卡特警探 Detective Carter, 540 00:28:34,830 --> 00:28:37,230 抓緊時間 那位還在里克島監獄里呢 Time is ticking away fast for our friend in Rikers. 541 00:28:37,230 --> 00:28:39,520 別擔心 我心里有數 Don't worry. I know what to do. 542 00:29:44,680 --> 00:29:46,170 來 Here you go. 543 00:29:47,570 --> 00:29:50,310 抱歉 寶貝 Sorry, honey. 544 00:29:51,310 --> 00:29:53,230 明天我就會好起來的 I'll be better tomorrow. 545 00:29:53,450 --> 00:29:54,610 我保證 I promise. 546 00:29:58,470 --> 00:29:59,670 是啊 Yeah. 547 00:30:01,580 --> 00:30:03,450 明天一切都會好起來的 媽 Everything's gonna be better tomorrow, ma. 548 00:30:08,290 --> 00:30:09,560 我是弗斯科警探 Detective Fusco. 549 00:30:10,110 --> 00:30:12,570 提醒一下今晚我需要你的幫助 I just want to remind you that I need your help tonight. 550 00:30:13,120 --> 00:30:14,330 迦勒有兩個約會 Caleb has two appointments, 551 00:30:14,330 --> 00:30:16,850 我們不知道他要去哪個 and we have no idea which one he intends to keep. 552 00:30:17,510 --> 00:30:18,330 我會去 I'll be there. 553 00:30:20,480 --> 00:30:21,830 你有事找我 You wanted to speak with me? 554 00:30:22,280 --> 00:30:24,720 是的 請坐 墨菲警官 Yeah, have a seat, Officer Murphy. 555 00:30:25,490 --> 00:30:27,040 之前也說了 我 Like I said, I'm, uh... 556 00:30:28,140 --> 00:30:29,310 在跟個懸案 working on a cold case. 557 00:30:29,530 --> 00:30:30,680 乘客被推 Commuter got pushed. 558 00:30:31,790 --> 00:30:33,620 在找相關案件 發現了這個 Looking for related cases, this popped up. 559 00:30:33,620 --> 00:30:34,780 瑞安·菲普斯 Ryan Phipps. 560 00:30:35,430 --> 00:30:36,700 上邊說你是第一個到現場的 Says here you were first on the scene? 561 00:30:36,700 --> 00:30:37,760 對 沒錯 Yeah, that's right. 562 00:30:39,180 --> 00:30:41,490 那孩子還有六個月就要滿十八歲了 Kid was six months shy of his 18th birthday. 563 00:30:41,630 --> 00:30:43,290 跟他弟弟迦勒一起回家 Coming home with his little brother Caleb. 564 00:30:43,290 --> 00:30:45,570 瑞安有點哄鬧 喝了點酒 Ryan was horsing around, drinking a little bit. 565 00:30:46,910 --> 00:30:48,270 滑下軌道 被撞了 Slipped on the tracks and got clipped. 566 00:30:48,270 --> 00:30:49,710 是是 我記得 Yeah, yeah, I remember. 567 00:30:49,710 --> 00:30:50,730 很令人痛苦 It was a rough one. 568 00:30:51,970 --> 00:30:53,030 因為死者是孩子 Because it was a kid? 569 00:30:54,230 --> 00:30:55,880 還是因為你沒有完整上報 Or because you didn't report the whole story? 570 00:30:58,140 --> 00:31:00,190 我知道是有孩子把瑞安推下軌道 I know about the kids who pushed Ryan on the tracks. 571 00:31:06,270 --> 00:31:07,420 我不是警探 警探 I'm no detective, Detective. 572 00:31:07,420 --> 00:31:09,200 我只是個下層的小站警 I'm just a lowly transit cop. 573 00:31:09,820 --> 00:31:11,470 我這輩子見識的也不少了 I seen a lot of things in my time. 574 00:31:12,750 --> 00:31:14,700 我做過很多讓我后悔的決定 And I made a lot of decisions I regret. 575 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:16,710 但這個我永不后悔 This is not one of those times. 576 00:31:16,710 --> 00:31:18,660 要是迦勒變成殺人兇手你也許就要后悔了 You may regret it when Caleb becomes a killer. 577 00:31:18,900 --> 00:31:19,910 你在說什么 What are you talking about? 578 00:31:20,160 --> 00:31:21,770 你認為復仇就能幫迦勒緩解 You think revenge is gonna make Caleb feel better 579 00:31:21,770 --> 00:31:23,080 親眼見到哥哥慘死之痛嗎 about seeing his brother die? 580 00:31:24,170 --> 00:31:25,860 完全不靠譜 警探 You're a long ways off, Detective. 581 00:31:25,860 --> 00:31:27,230 那就告訴我點靠譜的 Then give me some directions. 582 00:31:28,720 --> 00:31:29,940 我之前對那孩子施壓 You know, I did to the kid 583 00:31:29,940 --> 00:31:31,090 就像你現在對我 what you're doing to me right now. 584 00:31:33,760 --> 00:31:36,180 當我讓他描述另外幾名孩子的情況時 When I asked him for descriptions of the other kids... 585 00:31:37,280 --> 00:31:38,500 說法變來變去 Kept changing it up. 586 00:31:41,370 --> 00:31:42,550 根本沒有另外的孩子 There were no other kids. 587 00:31:42,920 --> 00:31:43,900 沒有 No. 588 00:31:44,760 --> 00:31:47,910 只是倆兄弟喝醉了 Just two brothers drinking. 589 00:31:48,970 --> 00:31:49,780 無聊了 Bored. 590 00:31:50,160 --> 00:31:51,710 等著坐車回家 Waiting for a train to go home. 591 00:31:53,440 --> 00:31:58,140 所以就賭彼此 敢不敢穿過軌道 So they dare each other to, uh...cross the tracks. 592 00:31:58,700 --> 00:32:01,500 就是看火車來之前你能來回 You know, how many times you can cross back and forth 593 00:32:01,500 --> 00:32:02,850 穿幾次軌道 before a train comes? 594 00:32:04,350 --> 00:32:06,820 瑞安不想輸給自己的弟弟 Well, Ryan doesn't want to lose to his little brother. 595 00:32:08,630 --> 00:32:10,550 一個孩子穿過了 另一個沒穿過 One kid makes it, the other kid doesn't. 596 00:32:13,160 --> 00:32:14,750 我不知道算誰贏了 I don't know who got the better deal. 597 00:32:19,310 --> 00:32:22,020 所以我告訴他我在報告里會略去不寫 So I told him I'd leave all that out of the report, 598 00:32:22,020 --> 00:32:23,300 只寫是事故 Write it up as an accident, 599 00:32:23,300 --> 00:32:24,790 讓他為自己保密 And for him to keep it to himself. 600 00:32:26,970 --> 00:32:28,830 無論他怎么告訴他的媽媽 So no matter what he had to tell his mom... 601 00:32:30,460 --> 00:32:32,280 或者警察 或者上帝 or the cops, or God himself... 602 00:32:34,370 --> 00:32:36,360 他哥哥也不會復生了 nothing was gonna bring his brother back. 603 00:32:38,070 --> 00:32:39,340 要怎么說呢 What can I tell you? 604 00:32:40,020 --> 00:32:41,650 有些事是無能為力的 Some things you can't fix. 605 00:32:51,950 --> 00:32:53,610 我剛和墨菲談過了 I just talked to Murphy. 606 00:32:54,410 --> 00:32:55,660 他哥哥的死是場意外事故 The brother's death was an accident, 607 00:32:55,660 --> 00:32:57,620 但聽起來迦勒為此自責 but it sounds like Caleb blames himself for it. 608 00:32:57,630 --> 00:32:59,150 這可有問題了 警探 Well, that's a problem, Detective, 609 00:32:59,150 --> 00:33:00,240 因為我跟丟迦勒了 Because I lost Caleb. 610 00:33:00,400 --> 00:33:02,960 他上了一輛公車 我還沒上去車就開走了 He got on a city bus, and it left before I could catch up. 611 00:33:02,960 --> 00:33:03,930 你開玩笑呢 You're kidding me. 612 00:33:03,930 --> 00:33:06,660 也許我需要得提醒你一下鄙人所能頗多 May I remind you that of the many things I'm equipped to do, 613 00:33:06,660 --> 00:33:08,610 但追蹤絕非其中之一 pursuit would not be chief among them. 614 00:33:08,610 --> 00:33:10,400 我們現在唯一選擇就是等在迦勒 Our only option now is to wait for Caleb 615 00:33:10,400 --> 00:33:12,410 可能出現的兩個地方 at the two places he's likeliest to turn up. 616 00:33:12,570 --> 00:33:14,190 我去學校監視貝克納 I'll stake out Beckner at the high school. 617 00:33:14,190 --> 00:33:16,990 你盯那幾位被侵權的毒犯 You keep an eye out for our aggrieved drug dealer. 618 00:33:24,820 --> 00:33:27,550 叫上所有人 砍死那小子 Get everyone, and hunt that kid down! 619 00:33:30,840 --> 00:33:33,320 那孩子沒出現 洛倫佐想要他命了 Our boy is a no-show, and Lorenzo wants his head. 620 00:33:33,600 --> 00:33:34,710 你去找那孩子 You worry about the kid. 621 00:33:34,890 --> 00:33:36,350 我來搞定洛倫佐 I'll take care of Lorenzo. 622 00:33:38,530 --> 00:33:40,270 他也沒在這里 警探 He's not here either, Detective. 623 00:33:40,470 --> 00:33:42,050 我可能來晚了 I may be too late. 624 00:33:46,950 --> 00:33:48,230 斯威夫特 你在這兒干嘛 Swift, what are you doing here? 625 00:33:48,810 --> 00:33:50,110 我也想問你這個問題 I was gonna ask you the same. 626 00:33:50,110 --> 00:33:51,340 -我把論文丟在了 -住口吧 - I-I left some papers on-- - stop it! 627 00:33:51,340 --> 00:33:53,160 我看到你侵入了迦勒的賬號 I saw you break into Caleb's account 628 00:33:53,160 --> 00:33:54,390 拷了他的文件 and copy his files. 629 00:33:54,810 --> 00:33:56,510 你就如此自甘墮落嗎 Is that what you're willing to stoop to? 630 00:33:56,740 --> 00:33:59,470 偷學生的作品冒充自己的成果 Stealing the work of a student and passing it off as your own? 631 00:33:59,470 --> 00:34:00,540 我犯不著在這里 I am not gonna stand here 632 00:34:00,540 --> 00:34:03,040 聽任代課老師指責我剽竊 and be accused of plagiarism by some substitute teacher. 633 00:34:03,300 --> 00:34:05,810 再說 我干嘛要拷平庸學生的作品 Besides, why would I copy work off of a "C"-grade student? 634 00:34:05,810 --> 00:34:07,770 因為迦勒絕非平庸之輩 Because Caleb is anything but average. 635 00:34:09,380 --> 00:34:10,760 你心里清楚 And you know it. 636 00:34:10,980 --> 00:34:13,080 所以你才把他的作品給你朋友看 That's why you took his work to your friend. 637 00:34:16,300 --> 00:34:17,440 迦勒 Caleb... 638 00:34:19,270 --> 00:34:21,140 幾個月前讓我 approached me a few months ago 639 00:34:21,550 --> 00:34:23,850 看他正在做的這個項目 about this project he was working on. 640 00:34:23,850 --> 00:34:26,810 我本來很懷疑 但當我看到編碼后 I was skeptical, but when I...saw his code 641 00:34:26,810 --> 00:34:29,010 簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛 所以我決定幫他 I couldn't believe my eyes, so I decided to help him. 642 00:34:29,010 --> 00:34:30,660 -用自己獨攬來幫他 -不 - By cutting him out of it. - No. 643 00:34:30,830 --> 00:34:32,170 他只想要錢 All he wanted was some money up front 644 00:34:32,170 --> 00:34:33,490 準備出遠門 for this trip that he wants to take. 645 00:34:33,490 --> 00:34:34,810 說他不想要任何名譽 Said he didn't even want any credit. 646 00:34:34,810 --> 00:34:36,410 你怎么會同意呢 Why on earth would you agree to that? 647 00:34:36,410 --> 00:34:37,460 我沒有 I didn't. 648 00:34:42,410 --> 00:34:43,680 自己看 Read it for yourself. 649 00:34:45,020 --> 00:34:46,520 迦勒會得到所有的榮譽 Caleb gets all the credit. 650 00:34:46,950 --> 00:34:48,640 我是為了要省事點 It was just easier for me to... 651 00:34:49,250 --> 00:34:50,970 才以我的名義給他看 pitch the idea with him myself... 652 00:34:51,280 --> 00:34:52,800 好拿到啟動資金 get some capital... 653 00:34:53,350 --> 00:34:55,630 然后會說出真正的幕后高手 and then reveal the true brain behind it. 654 00:34:56,060 --> 00:34:57,840 他分給我一半 另一半要我 He offered me half if I put the other half 655 00:34:57,850 --> 00:34:59,610 存入他為他媽媽開設的信托基金 in a trust that he set up for his mom. 656 00:35:01,640 --> 00:35:03,300 但我都給他了 But I'm giving him the whole thing. 657 00:35:03,780 --> 00:35:06,170 這是所有17-6-21的錢 All the money from 17-6-21. 658 00:35:06,620 --> 00:35:08,510 17-6-21 17-6-21? 659 00:35:08,510 --> 00:35:10,290 這是他給程序的命名 It's the name he gave the program. 660 00:35:10,530 --> 00:35:12,310 他說這是什么獻身 He said it was some kind of dedication. 661 00:35:12,310 --> 00:35:14,800 我告訴你 六個月后 Look, I am telling you, six months from now, 662 00:35:14,800 --> 00:35:18,040 迦勒會成為全國最有錢的十八歲少年 Caleb is going to be the richest 18-year-old in the country. 663 00:35:18,970 --> 00:35:19,870 不 No. 664 00:35:22,630 --> 00:35:23,820 不 他不會 No, he won't. 665 00:35:34,600 --> 00:35:35,360 {\an6}獲取檔案 2010年7月 獲取關聯文件 紐約警局 666 00:35:35,410 --> 00:35:36,860 {\an5}獲取檔案 2010年7月 667 00:35:36,860 --> 00:35:43,050 {\an4}獲取檔案 2010年7月 大西洋大道站 668 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:43,050 {\an7}紐約警局檔案 2010年7月 會話分析 語言識別 669 00:35:35,180 --> 00:35:36,830 調度 我是墨菲警官 Dispatch? Officer Murphy, 670 00:35:36,830 --> 00:35:38,340 地鐵死亡案 regarding the subway fatality. 671 00:35:38,340 --> 00:35:40,190 取消支援請求 10-80 on the backup request. 672 00:35:40,400 --> 00:35:42,490 警官 取消支援請求嗎 10-5, officer. Cancel backup request? 673 00:35:42,500 --> 00:35:43,690 確定 Affirmative. 674 00:35:57,810 --> 00:35:59,050 這里有人坐嗎 This seat taken? 675 00:36:12,430 --> 00:36:14,100 你來干什么 What are you doing here? 676 00:36:14,310 --> 00:36:15,930 你很聰明 迦勒 You're so smart, Caleb. 677 00:36:16,430 --> 00:36:18,220 問你不知道答案的問題 Ask me something you don't know. 678 00:36:22,780 --> 00:36:24,500 行為魯莽 The thing about being reckless... 679 00:36:25,460 --> 00:36:27,130 甘愿冒險 taking chances... 680 00:36:27,770 --> 00:36:29,250 犯下了很多錯誤 is that you make a lot of mistakes, 681 00:36:29,250 --> 00:36:30,670 造成了很多不幸 cause a lot of grief. 682 00:36:30,850 --> 00:36:32,780 準備向我宣講我的錯誤 Gonna start lecturing me on mistakes? 683 00:36:34,840 --> 00:36:36,290 要我吸取教訓 How I need to live and learn? 684 00:36:36,540 --> 00:36:37,590 繼續前行 Move on? 685 00:36:39,600 --> 00:36:41,740 真鼓舞人心 斯威夫特先生 That's really inspiring, Mr. Swift. 686 00:36:43,400 --> 00:36:45,670 我要站到桌子上為你鼓掌 I'd stand up on my desk and clap for you. 687 00:36:46,530 --> 00:36:47,500 不過 But... 688 00:36:50,010 --> 00:36:51,340 不 No. 689 00:36:52,140 --> 00:36:54,030 你的錯誤 和我一樣 Your mistakes, like mine, 690 00:36:54,030 --> 00:36:55,740 成就了今天的你 are part of who you are now. 691 00:36:55,740 --> 00:36:58,780 你無法棄之前行 You can't move on from that. 692 00:37:00,030 --> 00:37:01,220 相信我 Believe me. 693 00:37:01,600 --> 00:37:03,510 我犯過很多錯 I've made a sizable number. 694 00:37:05,380 --> 00:37:06,410 但是 But... 695 00:37:07,700 --> 00:37:10,520 有時錯誤也會給你驚喜 sometimes your mistakes can surprise you. 696 00:37:10,520 --> 00:37:13,540 譬如說 我最大的錯誤 My biggest mistake, for instance... 697 00:37:15,950 --> 00:37:17,210 把我帶到了這里 brought me here. 698 00:37:17,710 --> 00:37:19,870 在這個時刻 At exactly this moment... 699 00:37:20,110 --> 00:37:21,950 在你可能需要幫助的時刻 when you might need some help. 700 00:37:23,480 --> 00:37:27,010 17年6個月零21天的生命 17 years, 6 months and 21 days into your life. 701 00:37:29,380 --> 00:37:31,080 你哥哥死去的年齡 The age at which your brother died. 702 00:37:31,780 --> 00:37:34,760 也是你選擇結束自己生命的年齡 The age you've chosen to end your life too. 703 00:37:35,820 --> 00:37:37,600 16-7-21 17-6-21. 704 00:37:43,750 --> 00:37:45,110 所以你看 So, you see... 705 00:37:46,110 --> 00:37:48,030 也許我們之間是有共同之處的 Maybe you and I are connected. 706 00:37:49,810 --> 00:37:51,280 兩個魯莽的人 Two reckless people. 707 00:37:56,580 --> 00:37:58,000 是嗎 那有什么用 Yeah? Then what's the use? 708 00:37:59,520 --> 00:38:01,350 我們只會破壞 We're just gonna keep breaking things... 709 00:38:02,320 --> 00:38:03,510 一次又一次 over and over. 710 00:38:06,370 --> 00:38:08,130 為什么不替大家省掉不幸呢 Why not save everyone the grief? 711 00:38:10,230 --> 00:38:11,930 整個世界 The thing about the world is 712 00:38:11,930 --> 00:38:13,870 沒有多余的部分 that it doesn't have any extra pieces. 713 00:38:15,330 --> 00:38:17,320 就像π 包含了所有 It's like pi. It contains everything. 714 00:38:17,850 --> 00:38:20,110 你去掉了一部分 You remove a single piece... 715 00:38:20,800 --> 00:38:21,780 就不成圓 No circle. 716 00:38:22,260 --> 00:38:24,950 你的魯莽 你的錯誤 Your recklessness, your mistakes, 717 00:38:25,150 --> 00:38:27,400 使得你在他們說出 are the reason why, when they say 718 00:38:27,410 --> 00:38:30,130 "你無法改變世界"時 拒絕相信 "You can't change the world," you won't listen. 719 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:33,000 這個世界 The world is better off 720 00:38:33,000 --> 00:38:35,400 有你我存在才更好 迦勒 with both of us in it, Caleb, 721 00:38:35,400 --> 00:38:38,180 -而非其他 -是嗎 你能確定 - rather than the alternative. - Yeah? You sure about that? 722 00:38:38,180 --> 00:38:40,470 是的 你媽媽有你存在才更好 Yes, and your mom is better off with you in it. 723 00:38:40,690 --> 00:38:42,840 如果你認為錢能代替你 If you think money can replace you... 724 00:38:46,350 --> 00:38:48,400 你算錯了 You haven't seen the whole equation. 725 00:38:50,960 --> 00:38:52,570 相信一個認為 Take it from someone who thought 726 00:38:52,570 --> 00:38:56,520 離開能夠讓其他人過得更好的人 that leaving would make it easier on everyone... 727 00:38:58,640 --> 00:39:00,640 再去學習 And then learned otherwise. 728 00:39:56,190 --> 00:39:57,390 再說一遍 Say it to me again. 729 00:39:57,390 --> 00:39:58,340 說慢點 Slowly. 730 00:39:58,340 --> 00:39:59,850 根據實驗室檢驗結果 According to the lab results, 731 00:39:59,850 --> 00:40:01,930 我們從這四人身上提取的DNA none of the DNA we took from these four men 732 00:40:01,930 --> 00:40:03,850 和數據庫的任何DNA都不匹配 matches any of the DNA in our database. 733 00:40:03,850 --> 00:40:05,670 他們是清白的 長官 全部都是 They're clean, Sir. All four of 'em. 734 00:40:06,480 --> 00:40:08,480 把每一份樣本都送到匡提科 I want every one of those samples sent to Quantico, 735 00:40:08,480 --> 00:40:10,720 檢測DNA聯合索引系統 檢測是否有篡改 reviewed through CODIS, and inspected for tampering. 736 00:40:11,160 --> 00:40:12,400 他們搞鬼了 They got to it. 737 00:40:13,070 --> 00:40:15,330 雖然不知道怎么做的 但那群混蛋搞鬼了 I don't know how, but those bastards got to it. 738 00:40:16,500 --> 00:40:17,410 去吧 Go. 739 00:40:17,880 --> 00:40:19,010 還有一件事 One more thing. 740 00:40:20,160 --> 00:40:21,390 把卡特叫來 Get me Carter. 741 00:40:32,820 --> 00:40:35,540 你應該小心保管你的代碼 You really ought to be more careful with your code. 742 00:40:43,170 --> 00:40:44,160 謝謝 Thanks. 743 00:40:48,580 --> 00:40:50,300 我成長于冷戰時期 I grew up during the Cold War... 744 00:40:51,380 --> 00:40:53,330 那時計算機網絡 when computer networks were just a gleam 745 00:40:53,330 --> 00:40:55,320 在國防部眼里僅是一道微光 in the eye of the Department of Defense. 746 00:40:56,530 --> 00:40:58,430 一切都非黑即白 Things seemed more black and white then. 747 00:40:58,430 --> 00:41:00,320 阿帕網是新領域 Arpanet was the new frontier. 748 00:41:02,290 --> 00:41:03,660 直到一個小孩的自制計算機 Till a kid with a homemade computer 749 00:41:03,660 --> 00:41:05,380 徹底顛覆了整個世界 turned the whole thing inside out. 750 00:41:05,970 --> 00:41:07,350 我要說的是 All I'm saying is... 751 00:41:08,140 --> 00:41:09,340 現在是一個新的時代 it's a new era now, 752 00:41:09,340 --> 00:41:12,090 一切都開始變得很怪 and things are about to get really weird. 753 00:41:14,160 --> 00:41:17,030 你要保護好你的代碼 So you should keep your code close to your vest. 754 00:41:20,160 --> 00:41:21,850 慎選朋友 And pick your friends wisely. 755 00:41:25,750 --> 00:41:26,800 π Pi. 756 00:41:27,640 --> 00:41:30,060 前3000個數字 The first 3,000 digits. 757 00:41:30,290 --> 00:41:32,280 我的號碼就在其中 My number's in there somewhere. 758 00:41:34,960 --> 00:41:36,510 你很聰明 會找出來 You're smart, you'll figure it out. 759 00:41:39,500 --> 00:41:41,480 等等 那位黑客 Wait, uh, the hacker. 760 00:41:41,710 --> 00:41:43,000 成功溜走的那位 The one who got away? 761 00:41:43,970 --> 00:41:45,490 你怎么知道他用的是自制計算機 How'd you know he did that with a homemade computer? 762 00:41:45,490 --> 00:41:47,650 我讀過所有的調查 沒人提起過 I've read all that research. No one's ever mentioned that. 763 00:41:50,260 --> 00:41:51,870 我肯定是從哪兒聽說的 I must have heard it somewhere. 764 00:42:07,480 --> 00:42:08,220 卡特警探 Detective Carter? 765 00:42:08,220 --> 00:42:09,940 關在里克島的那位被釋放了嗎 Has our friend in Rikers been released? 766 00:42:09,940 --> 00:42:12,200 快了 我現在去見他 Almost. I'm going to meet him now. 767 00:42:15,880 --> 00:42:18,730 你的DNA和他們要找的人不匹配 Your DNA wasn't a match for whoever they're looking for. 768 00:42:19,190 --> 00:42:21,340 我們現在就釋放你 We'll be processing you out momentarily. 769 00:42:35,110 --> 00:42:36,470 停住 Stop right there. 770 00:42:37,950 --> 00:42:39,230 根據國防授權法案 These men have all been classified 771 00:42:39,230 --> 00:42:41,500 這幾人被判定為"非法武裝人員" as "Unlawful Combatants" by the AUMF. 772 00:42:41,500 --> 00:42:43,190 在我們確定他們不會對 Until we can establish that they're not a threat 773 00:42:43,190 --> 00:42:44,140 國家安全造成威脅前 to national security, 774 00:42:44,150 --> 00:42:45,390 他們哪兒都不能去 they're not going anywhere. 775 00:42:47,520 --> 00:42:48,490 把他帶回去 Put him back. 776 00:42:51,780 --> 00:42:53,500 我正想見你 Just the person I wanted to see. 777 00:42:54,520 --> 00:42:56,420 怎么了 What is going on? 778 00:42:56,420 --> 00:42:58,180 我以為證據表明這些人是清白的 I thought the evidence cleared these guys. 779 00:42:58,180 --> 00:43:00,570 DNA 指紋 都太干凈了 The DNA, the fingerprints, it's all too neat. 780 00:43:00,570 --> 00:43:01,660 我無數次想要把他 I've been burned too many times 781 00:43:01,660 --> 00:43:03,200 繩之以法 trying to bring this man to justice. 782 00:43:03,420 --> 00:43:06,100 現在我只有一個人能夠相信 There's only one person that I know I can trust anymore: 783 00:43:06,290 --> 00:43:07,150 你 You. 784 00:43:07,900 --> 00:43:09,590 你從開始就一直在追捕他 You've been chasing him from the beginning. 785 00:43:10,210 --> 00:43:12,720 我們離他就只有一步之遙了 警探 And we've only got one shot left at him, Detective. 786 00:43:12,720 --> 00:43:15,030 他要是從這里離開了 我們就再也見不到他了 If he walks out of here, we're never gonna see him again. 787 00:43:15,030 --> 00:43:17,540 我知道你在伊拉克時是高級審問者 I know you were a senior interrogator in Iraq. 788 00:43:18,000 --> 00:43:20,310 是時候使用這些軍事技能了 It's time to put those military skills to use. 789 00:43:20,310 --> 00:43:22,120 我要你審問他償每一個人 I want you to interrogate every last one of these men. 790 00:43:22,120 --> 00:43:24,310 找出他們是誰 他們知道什么 Find out who they are, what they know. 791 00:43:25,170 --> 00:43:26,260 從他開始 Start with himമഊ㤊㤹ഹ《㨰〰〺㔬〰ⴠ㸭〠㨰〰㈺〬ര㰊潦瑮挠汯牯∽昣晦て∰猠穩㵥㐱眾睷琮獶扵楴汴獥渮瑥⼼潦瑮ാ